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Embracing Reality: Your current reality reflects the journey you've traveled.

No matter how far you wander or how fast you move, your passion for creating something new always walks beside you.

You sense a purpose in your presence and feel ready to unveil your talents as you pen down your aspirations.

It's time to revolutionize your relationship with money, once and for all.

You understand these shifts will resonate through generations.


Discovering the power of business energetics transformed not just my work but my entire existence, from within.

My Story
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Ready to help more people?

Grab my 78-Page workbook on how to create your dream business.

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You will learn how to:

* Create the business clients have been waiting for

* Show up and share

* Discover how to maximize your time and energy

* Implement for your dream future!

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Where are you in your business?

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  • Kristi Smith Coaching

    “Kristi is absolutely incredible! As a wife, mother, and visionary, she's revolutionized her own journey and is here to guide you through yours. Her passion has sparked a powerful movement among women entrepreneurs, reshaping destinies and creating a legacy of love and empowerment.”

  • Kristi Smith Coaching

    “I've had the pleasure of getting to know Kristi on both a professional and personal level, and one thing is crystal clear: she puts her whole heart into everything she does. Her actions speak volumes, and I've seen firsthand how she empowers countless women to dream bigger and achieve greater success in their businesses.”

  • Kristi Smith Coaching

    “I'm thrilled to share that Kristi has had a profound impact on my life! With her guidance, I broke through a major barrier and discovered my authentic self in both my brand and life. I'm incredibly grateful for her and enthusiastically recommend her to anyone seeking to build a business that resonates with their soul. She's authentic, transformative, and undoubtedly the most valuable investment I've ever made.”
